Friday, July 16, 2010

Imagination and the Love of Learning

Quote of the Day:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
-Albert Einstein

It wasn't knowledge that invented great things. It was someone with imagination, vision, and a goal (and a little knowledge)

One thing my Mom always says is: "I'm not trying to teach you facts. I want to give you a love of learning. With the desire to learn, the facts and knowledge will come." I know my Mom is no "Albert Einstein", but the things she says are true, and often powerful.

If a kid's head is just crammed full of facts and knowledge, they will forget most of it as quickly as they can. They also might not know how to learn new things when they are an adult.

If you teach a kid to love learning, they even in their spare time they will learn. I know this for a fact. Many homeschoolers I know will read in their free time. They will also ask themselves questions, ponder them, then go find out the answer. One of my favorite things to do is debate. I love talking to some that doesn't agree with me on a subject, and then trying to change their mind (or at least take my side seriously) by using reasoning and logic.

I know I haven't really talked about my "life" in this post, but I told you a little about the way I think. That's even better!

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